Friday, July 04, 2008


You know how when one is so sick, it's too exhausting to walk or get out of bed, one's wish is for someone to bring some comfort food. Pat the head a little and tuck into bed. Of course C will always be happy to bring me food, but also very true to form, he will be late. Very late. Today, a record of 2.5hrs (and I nary a whine). I often say to him how one day should I be kidnapped and he is tasked to deliver the ransom, he'll turn up - eventually - after being very late, and I will be a bag of rotting bones. On my grave, the headstone he carved will probably say, "I was late, but at least I tried".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

er.. dude.. you sick.. that means you dun have any appointments or anything to do but open a teary eye and emit the odd groan or two!! see!!... so sick people should just chill!! and dun get violent when you recover!! hee hee
