Friday, July 11, 2008

Depression remedy

Holly got punished today for doing something she really shouldn't have done. She also got banned to her crate. Strangely enough, Biscuit suddenly acted more lively, even jumping to get his toy to lure me to play. I swear his eyes look brighter and he was actually smiling and even prancing around. It's as if he knows, "she's been put away! she wouldn't bother me anymore! I am Free! FREEDOM!!!". Where usually he'd settle to a depressing oh-woe-is-me type of lethargy around the house, he was suddenly following me around with zeal and vigour. Umm, I think it's a hint that if I want Bis to be happy again, I do have to remove Holly from his presence. Just minutes before I left the house I let Holly out. And yes, Bis just laid down at the corner, chin between paws with a very depressed, forlorn look. He didn't even bother to see me to the door as I waved goodbye, as if he couldn't be bothered. Guess it's a really strong hint. No dog psychologists needed. Life is miserable with Holly.

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