The big hooha in the news these days is about organs for sale for the desperately need to live and can afford to pay patients. The ethical debate around it is pretty interesting, and it's possibly one of those laws (just like anal sex) that could potentially be changed in the future. Perhaps the day will come when they make gay partnerships here legal. My take on the organs for sale business is, if there's a willing buyer and a willing seller and both parties are making perfecting informed decisions, then why not. When I asked C for his opinion on organ sales - and I was expecting a smart alecky answer (to which he did not disappoint) was, "I dont' see why not. The Kueh-chap man has been doing it for years. What sort of organs you want? The kueh-chap man got".
Uh huh. What a bundle of joy he can be.
The Barbeque Pit in San Jose, California
1 week ago
but its truethat guy has been selling organs and stuff for YEARS!! he even has OUTER parts like Duck Breasts, Legs etc!! what you want he got how come he no go jail?? bet LKY also buy organs one!!
er who the heck is Nigella?.. Nutella's sister?
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