Guys generally do not hae peripheral vision. They see straight ahead, focus, and zoom. Girls on the other hand, have in born ability of 180 deg pheri vision, can see left and right and center, focus on SALE sign, and zoom all over the place, and still remember which shops on left and right still need to check out.
But recently have found out there is maybe 1 exception for guys - that pheri vision is possible for them (or maybe it's only for C) when guy is driving the car down the expressway, and female passenger flashes body part at the same time a red sportscar is zooming down on the right lane. C's apparently has very superior 180 deg vision; in that 1 split second, identify the make model and even exact car plate license of the speeding red car, as well as identify the flashing body part.
When female tries to do the same thing, she gets a hole in the retina. See lah.
The Barbeque Pit in San Jose, California
1 week ago
which part of the body??????
when female tries to do the same thing, they crash.. actually, i may be wrong... (i have seen this).. only a female, can put on make up, with one hand on the hand phone, while driving and chatting simultaneously... you know WHY??.. if you drive a MERC S class, you DUN care about the little cars!!! and so who cares about looking around???.. cars part when a tai tai at the helm of a german barge ploughs through traffic.. SIGNALLING???.. why ruin the nails!!! Braking?.. why spoil the Farrigamos!!...
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