Saturday, December 13, 2008

I am Zen

It's official, I'm certifiably zenned. (or pretend to be zen). I passed my yoga teacher training (with distinction). Woohoo. Am so karmically proud of myself. Now I just need to find some guinea pigs......


casiewbao said...

hmmmmmm... your gd frd back breaking fr carrying her pigs... can help?

Anonymous said...

To be Zen is to be everything and yet nothing.. to have presence, yet not form... to be enlightned but not burdened by the light, hence to be truly zen, one must be like a WISP OF FART!!!!! silently there, and yet not..(no one will admit in a crowd).. to have a force so great it would knock people over (and puke), yet no physical change shape at will and be light as the truly.. you are a certified ...MASTER FARTER!!! hee hee.. no go forth and spread the word!!
