Exams up and coming in a few days. A little hard pressed to finish up all my readings, not to mention understand what the articles are trying to say. I mean, these professors and intellectual experts....gawd, why can't they be succint and concise in their statements? every statement is riddled with a difficult word - sure I understand the words indivually but when you put them together, it's a complex brew that either blows up in your face, or you enjoy it totally. How can anyone understand a statement that has stochastic, dichotomy and epistomological in the same breath? Yuck. These intellectuals are all in their own dreamy world by themselves. Just too bad this real italian fake tod's has an english command far superior to mine, there's small chance my superficial attempt to answer the exam questions will impress him enough to get a good score. Ah well, there's always the assignment to work on.
First things first, I got my Ping Zong series out of the way. That is, a good several hours invested in the last 3 days to finish up the remaining episodes. There, I've watched it through the end, and then some. Got it out of the way, out of my blood, and now, finally I can focus on my studies. It's annoying when I'm trying to study and keep thinking about the drama series, it's like an itch under the skin you can't quite scratch, so I just had to do what I had to do - not that I didn't enjoy sitting my butt in the sofa for hours watching the show. All in the name of trying to get a better focus on my studies of course. Self-justification is pitiful but it helps. As much as I hate to admit, but the novel itself is predictably sitting on my table collecting dust. Haven't read a single page since the day I bought it. I'm so predictable.
On Sat, C took mom and I to eat durians at Balestier. Good stuff, really good stuff, but the first batch we had in early July were the best. Most power. Never had such powerfully bitter durians in years. I love my durians. Just love them. Now the quesiton was - what is it like to burp and fart durian at the same time? Hmm, we hope never to find out. Not quite a pleasant experience I would think.
Codie has been nabbed twice so far, I suspect Holly is the culprit but Slick would be the actual mastermind. Holly's not that smart, but all she would need is a little encouragement to do the deed. Slick probably created the opportunities for the kidnap to happen. Never underestimate a jealous beanie.
The Barbeque Pit in San Jose, California
5 days ago