Thursday, November 06, 2008

Trumpet blowing

So yes, I suppose from time to time each one of us would at some point find some unobtrusive deep dark corner, doing a quick 360-scan of the immediate surroundings before breaking wind rather satisfyingly. But it's something else altogether when farter does not exercise due diligence by scanning surroundings to ensure innocent victims are not compromised. So there I was innocently (after yoga, mind you, and in a blissful state) standing at the front of the restaurant waiting to give my takeaway order when I heard a very loud, offending, drum-beat rolling, lengthy "trumpet blow" that crescendo'd into a high note before the burst into grand finale.....all exercised by a fat, bespectacled chap in front of me. Blissful farter was too busy yapping into the phone to see the very dirty look I threw his way. Of course my blissful zen-like state quickly evaporated into one of panic. This is one situation where the yogic state of TAKE A DEEP BREATH and BREATHE is not relevant and must not be exercised.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

but YOGIS are supposed to practice the art of concentration where you are at inner peace regardless of surroundings... or if i were a tai chi master.. i could concentrate and give him one hell of a reverse fart!! so what does one do faced with such a prediciment?... suck it in and pretend all is well?... I would just shout..WAHHH LAUUUU!!!!..ehhhh... who cut the cheese!!... or just remark ratehr sarcastically at that guy (not me hor)... Thats really truly incredible!! i never thought a person could pass wind at both ends!! then again it proves the scientific theory of every action having an equal and opposite reaction!!...
Cows should fart more!!!
