Thursday, November 20, 2008

Double standards

The world is not fair. We know it. Even though we try not to believe it or ignore it. Especially when it comes to government. So town councils lost some $16million of taxpayers money (or rather, HDB dweller's money). So how? Nothing. No apology. No big deal they said. Public service is anonymous with beauracracy. The amount of paperwork is designed to be enormous so they can keep masses of people gainfully employed. You want to make an enquiry? Go here, take a number, fill in a form, come back in 10 weeks time (if you are lucky). To check on progress, call this other number G. Why is so and so and that is so? Please contact this other agency M. Other agency will say it's not us, please call another office K. Office K tells us the policy is like that one. Government cannot be wrong. Or can they? Or gainfully employed employees cannot be bothered? How much inefficiencies and inflated costs are a result of C.Y.As (cover.your.asses). You want transparency? Sorry, not from the government. Actually, no government in the world can be transparent. That's how governments work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well... tell you what... everyone's idea of the perfect government is a DICTATORSHIP!!... with yours truly of course as head honcho.... so imagine the world with 5billion head honchos... ain't nothin gonna happen but people griping about how they could do things better how?.. we should be like BIZ.... just hang in there and get trod all over (literally) all day in and out, cuz aint nothing we can do about things but just let out a sigh sometimes... Such is life... hence all our forlorn looks... and BIZ's sigh......and with the hopes of maybe a pat on the head or a let up onto a comfy bed... we should all hope for the small things in life that keep us going!!
