Monday, September 18, 2006

Ink got no water

BBQ on Sat turned out fine, despite a slight drizzle. Food aplenty, but we were able to finish 90% of them, yeah. I didn't binge as much so yeah! Just a couple of satays (can't resist!) and a healthy portion of Yvette's tacos and the Vietnamese Rice Rolls Viv's sisters made. Whoa, seriously good. Everyone had a great time, even JungleBeefCow who turned up as last minute entertainment for Martin's kids. Ha ha ha.

Managed to finish my 2nd MBA assignment too - I was smugly working on it on Sunday, thinking I would be submitting it ahead of time. Only to realise at 9pm last night that the due date was actually Monday today and not Wed as I though. Drats. That put the pressure on me to finish up the assignment quicker by working through the night. It's an ok paper, bro walked by and exclaimed, "hey aren't you supposed to put in several citations?". Yeah. But since I didnt' invest the time to read up much as I should, there were hardly any citations to be added. Bro snickered with disgust, "I thought it's supposed to be an MBA paper!". Yeah well. Guess we had to make some sacrifices between watching chinese dramas, or reading up for essays. Hmm. Not difficult to decide. :P

Here's the finale - while printing copies of my assignment off bro's printer, I realised his printer was nearly out of ink! The essay was a true experience in grayscale printing, ranging from dark, to light to spotted to dotted. Wah. I wondered if the professors ever received similar essays from students before? Maybe they'll give sympathy marks thinking this student is too poor to afford a print cartridge. Now I'm sitting here at the office wondering if I should print off better looking copies and resubmit tonight. Hmmm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YA!!.. luckly you decided to do it a bit earlier, or the essay would be late and at my Uni, thats an immediate 0!!... hmmm was gonna pass you my old lazer printer.. you want?.. and if you had called me, i could have gotten ink cartridges for you at ANYTIME!!.. remember MUSTAFA!! they saved my ass many a time!!...

Yup, martin's kids were fun.. also with the help of a few knicked army surplus items (btw, i have a few more for you too)... boys are much more fun to lay wif!!...

You call them citations?... i thought they are bibliographical references?.. anyway... tell your lecturer that you worte the WHOLE essay in your own words.. he would either be impressed or laugh till his tea comes out of his nose.. either way, he would be entertained!!
