Thursday, September 14, 2006

Fat OM

I found the most divine initimately small family styled Italian ristorante. Thanks to a couple of food savvy colleagues from the medical division. Name and location shalt not be revealed, I plan to make a return foray with beeftenderloin(nowinjungle) sometime. Dessert there was fabulous, an amaretto flambe - whoooeee! But wah, once again the calorie counter went on red alert overdrive, I think I was about to combust internally as well. Could feel my already squiggly butt expand even more. Speaking of which, beefinjungle had a good look at the lumpy arse couple of days back and involuntarily let out an "Ohmygawd ItsGrown!" squawk. Drats. No fitting into my bikinis anymore. Grrr.

Stamina at yoga is not as good these days, maybe thanks to too much calories too much sugar and too lumpy ass. Can't even do proper vinyasa jumpthroughs anymore, cuz butt too big to jump through the space between the hands, not to mention land with an un-female like 'thud!' in between. Double grrrrr.

Fat OM.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, your ass ain't THAT bad mah... just a quick peek in my mirror confirms that my ass is BUTT firmer!! hee hee!!... i exercise it a lot these days!!..But you HAVE been eating heaps of deserts.. very un like you!!... but you did profess veganism...but i know you sneak some chickie wings in there now and again!..aiyah.. in order to do yoga properly, you have to look like a yogi or yogini... whats the point!! being THAT emancipated!! (you will also make me look fat!)..So just be a happy cow and MOOOOO!!!
