Sunday, April 22, 2007

Strange encounters

Strange encounter #1: Walked dogs in the morning and met 'jogging uncle' who exclaimed, "wah! miss, haven't seen you in a few days, you face puffier and rounder leh!". My reply, "err, uncle. Maybe it's the hair lor, permed leow more pong pong, make face look rounder". Although I really fervently hoped my perm of an excuse was true. But yes, face is rounder indeed. Hardly can see my pointy chin nowadays.

Strange encounter #2: Con had a Beemer 7 series on loan for the weekend, thanks to his moron of a brother who somehow had a cool job as an editor of a gadget magazine. Anyway, driving this monster is scary. It's smooth, silent, and heavy, but as I slowly meandered my way around traffic on saturday morning. I cross all fingers, toes and limbs that I wouldn't put scratch, dent or injury to this car. Beemer is actually pretty cool, beautiful inside, with seats of supreme comfort, hi tech gadgets that has a button for everything, secret compartments and fancy smancy stuff. My childhood ambition was that the first car I owned would be a Beemer, I haven't achieved it yet, but driving one sure is scary. And expensive. Well, if I had $300K to spare, then I guess $4k in road tax and $25 per 100km in petrol is peanut shit. Maybe I'll stick to energy friendly solar powered hybrid cars instead. But we had a fun date with Beemer, parked at mt faber and reclining in the back seats munching on chips and soda, watching dvd on the in-car entertainment system. Best part of the evening was how cars next to us kept moving in and out of their parking lots, as couples came and went. Obviously that carpark is a happening spot for necking couples. It would have been so much fun had C let me walk over to them, knock on their windows and yell, "Make sure you use a goddamn condom!". Fwahahahhaha.

Actually, maybe it's a good idea to setup a small pushcart at that parking lot hawking drinks and condoms. I mean, surely sometimes emergency supplies are needed, right? Fwahahhaha. Muahahhaha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Er.. MBA course and all you can come up with is a condom selling push cart for dark make out areas.. you wonder what people think about us instead?.. Hugely expensive beemer, parked at cheapo make out spot watching DVDs... GET A ROOM!!! they are thinking.... too cheap to stretch out for a Hotel 81! ..sad..

But it WAS a very expensive date! hee hee...

Beemer needs a fridge me thinks... my coke got warm..

actually, you should have seen the look on your face when you drove the beemer... a few seconds of apprehension, followed by a certain twinkle in your eyes.. and an emergence of an underlying evil thoughts....then driving with a vengence!!! 300 german horses unleashed with a woople headed little gal driving!!!

Bimnmer, Woople hair and 300 horses dun mix!!. let all road users beware!!..BTW, dun think beemers are doggie friendly.
