Monday, June 01, 2009

To make oneself

I spend a great deal of my life in pursuit of knowledge. And then some. And these pursuits come at a price. When friends are building their lives in a home and family, I build mine with books, courses, and of recent times ...good quality leather. I'm proud of the fact that I'm a self-made person, depending only on myself for what I have achieved so far.

Long of the short? This is why I have so little savings. Ha ha.

Major milestones:
MBA = 30K
Yoga training + lessons past 8 yrs = same cost as MBA
Good quality leather = reaching MBA
Dogs = luckily not yet reach MBA


Lysithea said...

To each his/her own. As long as you're happy. :)

Blue bag from Hermes? What is tempting u again?

casiewbao said...

hee hee... i think soon u gonna add

bmw =

house =

more H =
