Peace and Tranquility is available in a price. Not just any price. But a HUGE price. I continue to be amazed and my jaw dropped several times today already at the sizes of these bungalows in Singapore. Not just any bungalow, but GCB (good class bungalows). No doubt the news of Jet Li's $20 million GCB purchase piqued some interest in several Sporeans. As C and I drove around on our little viewing excursion, it's amazing houses with such large plots of land exist in land scarce Singapore. And yes these areas are built so peaceful, so quiet (so scarily far away from the main road you'd need a car to get anywhere), so much like a getaway island (some of these places look like little bali or little phuket). And so huge even Bis and Holly could get lost running within the compound.
What I learnt today?
1. If you have so much money you buy not only 1, but several houses in the same row.
2. If you have so much money, and do as #1 above. One of these houses is your house, the one across the road is your 'entertainment complex' aka a Gym/ pool/ court only.
3. Selling Popiah skins make you a heck lotta money you can buy a whole row of houses, and build them so ostentatious. But who cares, because you HAVE MONEY. LOTS of it.
So I said to C, maybe a good idea if I open a yoga studio in these lanes. C sighed, and told me I'd never make any money. Because these peeps are so ridiculously wealthy, they'd rather pay for the instructor to come to their house.
Sigh #1. First scenario above not gonna happen to me.
Sigh #2. As above, thus 2nd scenario won't happen either.
Sigh #3. Obviously too late for scenario 3.
Sigh #4. Can't even make money from yoga.
Nevermind. One gets what they deserve, and there is Karma. Just live and be happy.