Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mom's R Us

The thing about friends who are moms, is that their kids are their everything. I even think most if not all, would rather trade in husbands than trade in their kids. Just read as another friend wrote a whole essay (actually 2) about preschooling her son. You know, in the old days - as in, when we were younger, we didnt' have preschool, playschool. Lucky if we went to kindergarten, and look, we turned out ok. One friend's son is the king of the ELC universe, the other friend whose other half is also a school teacher is ensuring her son gets a data dump of everything in her and hubby's brain. Another friend, well, I dunno, maybe her son is now master of anime universe.

All these friends have sons. Why isn't anyone out there having daughters???? Daughters are much more fun. The one friend who has a daughter, the kiddo is way cool. Atta girl.


Anonymous said...

u think go shopping market buy apple or orange can choose ah?

Anonymous said...

Well.. I think bringing up kids should be the same as raising tamagotchis.... or virtual fish... plus point is if you dun wan em, you can sell em or breed em and THEN sell em for more money...
With tamagotchis... you should often withold their food, turn off teh lights and administer random beatings for no apparent reason... the kid will be sooo traumatised that he has no time to even think about being notti... besides, who cares if he is notti or not, just beat him anyway, once or twice, he may even deserve it!.. of course, you will get a very interesting kid... or a serial killer... either way.. random violence is the way to go!! too many kids are pampered these days.. what teacher cannot hit them! my time, i always kena flying duster in the mouth for talking and dreaming look what i am doing now!!...talking and dreaming for a living for a living!!! Bwakk ahhh ahhhh!!!
