Friday, December 28, 2007

Xmas... time of Eating

There's really a lot to eat during this time of the year - gatherings in office, friends' houses, even food at home. We did a potluck at Jac's place where I contributed a (you guessed it) salad. At Veron's place last week we had a nice western meal. This weekend at DD's place for...No Signboard Seafood. Yum. In contrast though my Xmas day was spent quietly myself - yoga, groceries, and a first-time risotto. I am so proud of myself for making that risotto, for a first attempt I must say it's rather fabulously fantastic. Here it is:

Colourful Mixed Vegetable Risotto (serves 4):
1 Carrot, 1 Celery, 1 onion
handful of mushrooms
2 ripe tomatoes
200g Risotto
2 Tablespoons pure butter
Olive oil

- dice everything up. Fry onion & mushroom in olive oil for few minutes on medium heat. Add carrot & celery for few more mins. Add tomatoes last. Add butter, some salt + pepper. When tomatoes softened, add risotto, stir for few mins more. Add 1.5 cups water or more, bring to boil, simmer 15 mins. Voila.

Yum. Yum yum. Pair it up with a simple salad, red wine. Fabulous.

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