Sunday, January 18, 2009

Karma Closet

So here it is. Finally after months of hard work Karma Closet is finally launched. Is this what happens when one gets an MBA and a yoga teaching certification in the same year? C would probably say, other people would launch a web even without having either mba or yoga cert so I'm not exactly being entrepreneurial here. But nevermind lah, at least I'm trying something different. Any proceeds here will go towards the Bis and Holly food fund (but more likely the Bis depression need to see shrink fund. Or the Hire an assassin to get rid of stupid dog fund).


Anonymous said...

DAMN happening leh...... bis and hol's fund......

Anonymous said...

GOOD LUCK with KARMA CLOSET!!!... got opening ceremony?LION dance????.. DOGGIE DANCE???.... Tong TONG CHIANG???...

but at least you are having fun.. and luckly, you dun depend on your PROFITS to feed your doggies.... maybe even Chihuahua will starve... hee hee... but i am sure you will make enough to make a Bearnaise Mountain ST BErnard... soon enough!!..
