Monday, July 13, 2009

Stupidity is a Virus?

C pointed to a little plastic knob on the passenger side of the car on the floor mat.

C: Help me put this back in, will you?
Me: Where?
C: There. See that hole at the side of the lining (points to lining of car floor, where the foot is).
Me: It's not going to fit. That hole is just a teeny gap (thin line) while this knob is round.
C: it will fit. Just put it in.
Me: [holds tiny lining hole, and pulls lining away. Spots the wires underneath. ELATED]. Ahah! See, I found a bigger hole, now the plug will fit!!
C: [looking in deep horror] ARRRRRRGHGGHGHGHGHGHGH!!!!!!! NOooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! I asked you to plug the thing into the small hole and you rip off the entire floor lining???
Me: But see, now I found a bigger hole, which matches the size of the knob.
C: OF COURSE there is a bigger hole. The entire lining has been ripped off! ARRRGHGHGHGHGHGHGHGGHGH. Did Holly's stupidity rub off on you?
Me: ok ok. [Tries to smooth lining back]. There, it's back in. No damage.
C: See that hole there? THAT ONE.
Me: OOOOOhhh. THAT hole. Aha, now it fits.
C: Owwwww my aching head!

I couldn't help but laugh. Poor dude looked like he was going into an epilepsy and seizure when I pulled the lining out. But hey, nothing was damage right to his precious right? Hahhah.


casiewbao said...

did i see holly in u?

HOLLYCOW said...

HEY, IN MY DEFENCe... she pull the thing out until the fuses, wiring , insulation can be seen... Then she found the hole... THEN she tried to plug it in (beneath the lining!!)... duhhhhhhh by the way, the purpose of the thingy and hole is to secure the lining in the first place...

We should give weekly HOLLY awards for dumbest thing you did this week.. could be funny reading.... wanna start?
