Saturday, April 04, 2009

Marketing people and a Polybag

It could be described no less than an eye-opening experience. Me, sitting in a telecon with a factory manager, R&D scientists and maybe 5 marketing persons. Listening to these 5 marketing persons debate with R&D for over ONE hr, how much ink and what colours the printing on the polybag should be (for the unintiated, the polybag is a the plastic bag). The discussion centered around how to make a barcode on the bag more visible. And so the marketing dudes (most of them highly educated, very intelligent people) garbled on and on and on about colour, tone and bag material for a good 1hr. I could hardly believe my ears. My my it seems, these people can be more nitpicky and anal than women. 1hr just trying to decide on the background colour of a barcode? Man. Think they can compete with those hdb aunties on vegetable prices at the wet market leow.


Cows balck/ white are bar coded! said...

dude!!..Talking about back ground color and best contrast?The best would be mono-chromatic... the most contrast is of course teh darkest vs teh lightest... Black barcode on white background or if you wanna be funny white barcode on black background (but can readers read this?).... the best bag for Marketing people is... the cheapest to produce... so ANY COLOUR.. hence teh solution would be to make a black vs white barcode on background...STICKER!! so you can change bags at any time!! make em those preforated stickers so that if someone tears it off, it disintegrates!!... DUHHH!!... ANyways, why put barcodes, it creates headaches for shoppers.. just put the price on a little stickt thingy or write it on in markers like ma ma shops! everyone was happy then!!... in short, if it ain't broken, DUN fix it!!

casiewbao said...

maybe u can bring them to tekka w us next time;p
