Wednesday, April 08, 2009

The Importance of being Important

Some time ago if you asked me, I would rather be minion than manager. Now if you ask me, I rather be a manager than a minion. Having realised and reconciled to the fact (actually, am still reconciling) that it's important to be important. Actually, it's important to be an important manager. In fact, it's even more important to have an important boss. To be really sure, it's important to know important people. Yes in this world, job title counts, as does the number of countries managed and scope of geography under the umbrella. As well as the number of people in the empire. The sad, but real truth is, yes, more is merrier. Somehow people of this world equate MORE as being IMPORTANT. It's like going to the gym and comparing in the mirror and facing off against the opponent, whose muscles are bigger.

yes it's true. and C will probably say, I told you so!

But wait....does that mean more work is better? Hmm.

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