Saturday, May 10, 2008

Schizophrenic Fish

C has a nice community of discus in his fish tank, which I proudly helped populate of course. There's Melon, a bright red beauty rather bimbotic in looks, Snow White III, a baby faced innocent darling, Bozo the Clown, who looks like he's everyone's friend, and Spikey, a blueblack striped meanie who looks like the street ah beng. Of course, over time their true nature in reality is actually Melon the Bimbotic beauty who is a genius in disguise acting stoopid (by playing possum so she doesn't get beat up); Snow White the babyface who's actually the biggest Ah Lian aka Don't mess with me or you are dead; Bozo the Happy Face who is in fact the real ah beng who beats everyone up (except Snow White); and Spikey the ah beng lookalike who in reality is the ultimate wuss who gets beat up by everyone.

moral of story --> don't judge animals by their looks. Proven by the fact that Pretty Holly in reality is actually Stoooopid Holly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is true.. fish have characters too!! but then again.. scientists say that they have only a memory of 2 mins.. hmm then how do they remember to beat each other up!!.. but dun forget one thing.. they eat every other fish... like 50 neons in 2 days! and also lotsa prawns etc! they exp to feed... lucky they have sponsor! hee hee
