Wow, a month since my last blog entry. Let's see, been to HK and back. Ate lots. Added more inventory to my bulgeoning cosmetic stash (which i hardly use, and have to throw away lots recently). Started yoga teacher training course, week 4 already. HUH! Dogs continue to stink, Bis still pees on himself, Holly still stupid. They did get their annual (or once in 3 yrs) vaccination though. Hated going to the vet of course (them, not me). Bought more new clothes (no surprise), more new books (no surprise). Con complains why do I buy books I never read, and leave them in shrinkwraps. My ans, just in case I need to read them. For rainy days. Ha ha.
Topic of interest - Doggie Olympics. Contenders: Bis & Holly. Who will most likely win? Bets below.
Winner of High Jump. Holly.
Winner of Long Jump. Biscuit.
Target & fetch. Biscuit.
Fastest to finish 5kg of food. Holly.
Fastest to produce 5kg of poo. Holly.
Fastest to spot a cat and catch it. Neither (both dogs will run away when cats start hissing).
Most likely to defend owner in times of enemy encroachment. Neither (bis runs away first, holly wags tail at enemy & continues to look stupid).